FH Campus Wien, Vienna Institute for Safety and Systems Engineering
With about 7000 students, FH Campus Wien is the largest university of applied sciences in Austria. Students can choose from more than 60 bachelor's and master's degree programs and master courses in different departments.
FH Campus Wien has nine Centers of Excellence which offer application-oriented research and development. One of them is the Vienna Institute for Safety and Systems Engineering (VISSE). VISSE is best known for its academic knowledge in the field of functional safety and system safety.
The competence center VISSE deals also with questions of inherent system safety for autonomous systems, which is a main focus in recent years. In this area VISSE has a strong network of associations and universities in research and development as well as companies in the industry.
One of the most important partners in the field of autonomous systems are the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and the TeLo GmbH, an Austian specialist for technical law. VISSE cooperates with the ÖBB in the area of people mover operations. In addition, VISSE carries out R&D projects with partners in industry in the safety-critical area, in the automotive industry and in mechanical and plant engineering.
In a research project lasting several years, VISSE developed a safety concept for autonomous, rail-bound, demand-controlled, open-track systems. It is an essential part of the vision of a "people mover realisation on single-track secondary lines". One of the main aspects in this project is the development of an analysis method to investigate critical situations in an autonomous people mover railway traffic. This method is the basis for safety mechanisms and required technologies as well as for test scenarios of sensor concepts. The results of this and other research projects provide the basis for the definition of driving scenarios and their safety analyses as well as for the development of the test concept and safety case for the LiDAR sensor to be developed.
For VISSE, research-based teaching is of great importance to transfers the results of research projects via the master degree program Safety and Systems Engineering into the industry.
Key contribution
The competence center VISSE defines use case scenarios and identifies critical situations from the railway sector (e.g. railway crossings, station stations). The critical situations are the basis for hazard identification in the System of Systems context of an overall super system. For each identified hazard, a risk assessment is carried out and safety goals are derived, which are the basis for the safety requirements for the used technologies.
Based on this, the tests to be performed, are carried out in the VISSE laboratory as well as in the Open Track Test Lab of the company TeLo and on a real railway line. The expertise of the VISSE is scientifically proven. The acquired knowledge is transferred to industry by the students and graduates of the master degree program Safety and Systems Engineering.

FH Campus Wien, Vienna Institute for Safety and Systems
Favoritenstraße 226, 1100 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43 1 606 68 77-8401
E-mail: hans.tschuertz@fh-campuswien.ac.at
Web: www.fh-campuswien.ac.at/visse