The Autonomous - Hybrid Main Event 2021
The Autonomous - Hybrid Main Event 2021
On September 29th, 2021, The Autonomous Main Event 2021 was held in the Imperial Palace in Vienna and online. The event featured panels, keynotes and workshops all about safety, collaboration, challenges and solutions in the Autonomous Driving sector. Speakers included Reinhard Ploss (Infineon), Michelle Avary (WEF), Laura Major (Motional), Markus Heyn (Bosch) and many more.
In parallel to the Main Event, iLIDS4SAM project partner "TTTech Auto" organized a workshop about Safety, Research & Innovation titled "How EC funding contributes to tackling the biggest safety challenges in autonomous mobility". At the workshop the EC funded and nationally co-funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG ECSEL projects PRYSTINE and NewControl as well as the EC funded project Up2Date presented results related to the Event topics.
Widespread acceptance of autonomous mobility can only be reached by seamless digitalization and by trustful cooperation and collaboration among the different players in a complex system. Reliable data processing for environmental awareness generation requires next generations of dedicated sensors and networks. The importance of the key components Research and Development (R&D) for the Autonomous Mobility development processes and how they drive innovation were major topics of the workshop. Current challenges, upcoming results and their overall impact were discussed in detail. Within this scope "TTTech Auto" took the opportunity to introduce also the developments achieved within the iLIDS4SAM project at the workshop.
→ [PDF] Report of Safety, Research & Innovation workshop
Further information at: Events - The Autonomous (